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Help Center


I'm in an emergency, what do I do?

If you are experiencing acute distress and need immediate care, you can always call the Canadian Suicide Prevention Services (1-866-277-3553) or a local crisis center. In downtown Montreal this is TRACOM (514-483-3033).   If you feel that your life or someone else's is in acute danger, call 811, 911, or present to the nearest emergency department.

While the Libera Clinic cares for hundreds of people without strict limitations based on diagnosis or severity, we cannot at this time accommodate urgent psychiatric care. More specifically, we cannot currently offer either walk-in services or guarantee that cases requiring a psychiatric intervention within less than two weeks will be evaluated within an acceptable time frame.

Is our clinic right for you or your loved one?

How much will treatment here cost?

As long as you have a Quebec Insurance Number (RAMQ) most of the services provided at the Libera Clinic, including access to allied health, diagnostic consulations, and crisis management, are all covered. Some services, namely group therapies, will require a small fee, with affordability remaining a top priority.

What is your new patient procedure?

As long as you have a Quebec Insurance Number (RAMQ) most of the services provided at the Libera Clinic, including access to allied health, diagnostic consulations, and crisis management, are all covered. Some services, namely group therapies, will require a small fee, with affordability remaining a top priority.

I'm concerned about meeting my new psychiatrist/ psychotherapist, how can I be sure I will get the care I need?

Our clinic will continue to work on increasing everyone's access to the highest quality mental health services. We put a great deal of effort into working with family doctors and all our other community partners to ensure continuity of care, and we are confident our friends and colleagues will continue to vouch for the quality of our clinic's work. 

All together, Libera Clinic services several hundreds of patients from all walks of life, backgrounds, and ages. If we can't help you ourselves we'll do our best, along with first and second-line services, to guide you towards the most appropriate recovery path. 

If you've ever seen a worker at our clinic and would like a reassessment, simply contact us to arrange a follow-up.

I am a primary health care worker and I have questions about a case, can you help?

Yes. Whether your patient is followed at the Libera Clinic or not, and whether you are a practicing doctor, nurse clinician, or psychologist in Quebec; If you need help with a patient experiencing psychiatric issues, send us an email with basic patient information, your availabilities, and your question and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


PHONE: (514) 731-4665

FAX: (514) 548-3620

1635 Rue Sherbrooke Ouest, Suite 210 Montreal, Quebec

©2021 by Libera Clinic.

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